Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4th Generation iPhone?

 Image Courtesy of Gizmodo

News spread early as Gizmodo released new information regarding Apple's next installment of its iPhone. The iPhone was apparently misplaced by a fellow Apple employee and then picked up by Gizmodo. The features ranged from improved back camera to the addition of a Camera flash and a possible iChat compatible video camera in the front. Aside from the obvious exterior changes, the new iPhone apparently has a new CPU for faster performance and an enlarged battery.

This is probably the closest to the real thing since Gizmodo also posted an official letter from Apple stating that they wanted the device back. Be sure to check out Gizmodo after the break for a breakdown of all the new features.



  1. Dude i swear if this is another hoax from apple like the previous iphone models. I will go to an apple store and rub my dick in everything
